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5D Ascension is the profound Spiritual Evolution that humanity has been rapidly transitioning through for the past few decades culminating in the epic benchmark of 12/12/12.  The rise in collective consciousness has allowed us to carry an unprecedented

amount of God/Source light

while still living in our same

physical 3D birth body.


As upgraded 5D Humans,

we now have access to

more advanced Soul-Based capabilities, Empowering us to more easily Create New Realities and Lives of our Choosing!

   Dimensions are not a place -when                spiritually referenced   they represent different 

     "levels of consciousness" . 

On our planet today,

3D, 4D & 5D levels all

exist simultaneously.

                 As evolved beings of

       light,our biggest challenges are

to maintain an Open Heart, Trust in the Divine Plan and Create Happy, Peaceful & Abundant Lives while successfully navigating these

often tumultuous and conflicting "realities" of our everyday

3D World.

3rd 4th 5th 


5D Ascension is the profound Spiritual Evolution that humanity has been rapidly transitioning through for the past few decades culminating in the epic benchmark of 12/12/12.  The rise in collective consciousness has allowed us to carry an unprecedented

amount of God/Source light

while still living in our same

physical 3D birth body.


As upgraded 5D Humans,

we now have access to

more advanced Soul-Based capabilities, Empowering us to more easily Create New Realities and Lives of our Choosing!

 A Spiritual Evolution

      5D Ascension 


          of  Epic Proportions

New Earth Human

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3rd Rock from Sun

On Line/Off Grid

Daily 5D Inspirations

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Photography/Website/Created w/Love & Light by Andie SantoPietro © 2022

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