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Responding vs Reacting Vol.1 Issue:2 9/6/24

Writer's picture: Andie SantoPietroAndie SantoPietro

Updated: Oct 20, 2024

"Responding vs. Reacting"-

Excerpt: The new 5D HUman - Andie SantoPietro

Separating from both our learned 3D non-responses and our 4D emotional responses will be a game changer for us, as where and how we direct the emotional body’s resources determines our vibrational contribution to the world. The energetic makeup of an emotion encapsulates beliefs, impressions, reactions, fear, and a lot of narrative threads. We all witnessed this as the world experienced a wide range of emotions during the different stages of the pandemic with its seemingly never-ending new variant strains, but mostly throughout the polarized reactions that were aroused by the masking and vaccine turf wars. Beliefs, impressions, fear, and story lines are also similarly aroused in your life whenever you are feeling strongly about a personal issue or challenge.

It is often difficult to remember that the person, place, or situation that has been placed in front of you is not a random or misguided event solely designed with one purpose in mind: to make you, your day, or your life miserable. As you start pulling back and reacting or responding differently to what you are experiencing, you give yourself more options and choices of how to express, view, and process your “triggers,” as well as how to contribute those new “triality-based” responses to the bigger picture 5D matrix of the world.

Going into 5D, it will take a lot of rote practice for everyone to retrain ourselves to avoid our 3D/4D emotions, stories/dramas, perspectives, and fears as much as possible. As we evolve into a higher realm of consciousness, we must adjust to not-using our emotional body in the old, reactionary ways from our prior dimensional use. Although in 5D, we still use our emotions to express our thoughts, over time this lessens as we grow more comfortable with trusting that our feelings rather than our emotions get the same job done and even better. When we do use our emotions (and feelings for that matter), it’s important to note that their force and impact from a 5D level is substantially greater.

Initial ways to start practicing avoiding the emotional melodrama of our 3D/4D conditioning is by pausing and remembering that the situations and HUmans before you have their reasons for why they do what they do. Most of those reasons will never be made clear to you, and often, neither to them. There are so many “moving parts” to any one action in life. Often we react to the very top layer that is presenting itself. Although it’s the most visible one, it’s also the most “mundane.” As a 5D HUman, we now have a broader range of options to choose from in how to respond to a given situation—other than coming from our emotionally skewed fields loaded with old story lines.

As powerless as you might feel at times, your ability to work and manage your feelings and emotions has been upgraded. You can now greatly impact and affect others as well as yourself. This capability also means that with a slight glance or loving smile towards a stranger, you can deeply better someone’s life. But with that same glance or a frown, you can negatively impact someone, too. As a lovely bonus (read: not), the more awakened our 5D energy becomes, the more our sensitivity levels are increased and impacted also by the energy ripples that we interface with from the HUmans, environments and situations that surround us every day.

We certainly need to be mindful of how we use our energy, but equally important are the energy fields that we expose ourselves to. Fortunately, heightened consciousness brings with it more God-Light and this enables us to share more of the “good power” stuff, deflecting and transmuting what does not serve us.

"Proceed with Caution: Highly Sensitive 5DHU on Board"

As long as we still have 3D/4D HUman aspects, it’s tempting to get pulled in and misuse our emotions. Even if you think you can manage your responses while watching the news or reading sensationalized, emotionally charged headlines on media blogs over and over again, do you think the refiring of your emotional body can be easily discharged just by turning off the remote or deleting an article? So, then what? Do you just turn around and go cook dinner or head off to bed and it magically exits your energy field? No, it does not. You saw what you saw, and you heard what you heard and it completely entered your shiny new 5D matrix through your recently activated new sense: absorption.

Throughout 3D/4D/5D HUmans have different levels of consciousness and their absorption thresholds vary. No matter what dimensional level you resonate with, if you are a sensitive being on this planet, you are taking in copious amounts of emotional life force from other people and the collective. Stories through the media increase “absorption" levels ten-steroid-fold because of the massive amounts of thought forms and emotions attached. This is a serious stressor to your being.

After we absorb (our new 5D, seventh sense), unless we consciously decompress and/or take an action to “drain our now saturated emotional swamp,” we then run the risk of passing on to others through broadcasting all the emotions that we have absorbed. They will be sent back into the world through the stories we share or retell either verbally or by the very impactful social media text or tweet. Even if we are conscious and aware enough not to actively place it all back on the assembly line for another go round, we can still inadvertently rebroadcast it through our new far-reaching 5D energy field—wherever we may go. What's even more troubling is that your new energy field and desire to vibrationally rise about the fray will be somewhat compromised.

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