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"Spirituality & Politics: The State of the Dis-Union"
w/Andie SantoPietro
Missed this live? No Worries!
Recording & Free Article Still Available!!
Email Us for Payment Instructions, FREE Article & Class Link!

"All Politics are Spiritual Now"
Don't Sit This One Out!
Confused? It's a scary time for many on the planet as the back and forth pendulum of this current Presidential year is now officially in full vibrational swing!
The recent events of the past few weeks has kicked up a desert-storm of personal and collective, "Shadow dust" .
(fear, hopelessless, anger, panic, etc.)
Join us for a broader, "bigger picture" perspective that addresses the spiritual with the mundane to help better understand the what and why that is unfolding and how to best navigate through all its turmoil .
Your Light is needed on the planet right now.
Webinar Includes: Lecture,
Group Energy Clearing, Meditation, plus a
"FREE" BONUS Article
"The Spirituality of Politics" by ASP
sent upon registration!!!
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